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Thursday, August 20, 2009

VH-1's KI-KI: "Dreams To Reality...TV"

By Hard Knock <--(can' t do the name in pink text thing...)

SM: We have all come to know Ki-Ki from VH1’s Real Chance of Love (Season 1) and Charm School 3 with Rikki Lake, but give the readers of S.T.I.L.L. Magazine the scoop on Lakia Bailey. What was life like for Ki-Ki (Lakia) before Real Chance of Love?

Ki-Ki: I had a regular 9-5 working as an Executive Assistant.

SM: Reality TV can be a huge catalyst for jump-starting your career in Hollywood. After seeing what people like New York and Tila Tequila has done, how do you plan to capitalize on your opportunity?

Ki-Ki: I never expected to get my own show out of being on reality TV like the other two ladies you just mentioned. I basically wanted to become a familiar face and name to everyone so that when I do start receiving other work, I will already be someone that has made a mark and that everyone knows.

SM: With anything there are advantages and disadvantages. What are the pros and cons of being a reality TV star?

Ki-Ki: The pros about being on reality TV are definitely the exposure you get. Being on a reality TV show is the easiest way to get exposure if being in the entertainment industry is what you're trying to do. But on the other hand there's always bad that comes along with the good. Some of the bad things about being on a reality TV show, is not having control over how they portray you. There are so many people out there with impressionable minds that watch these shows and take everything they see for face value. They act as if editing doesn’t exist and that all these situations that take place on these shows happened in the order or the way that they’re being shown to the viewers. Your portrayal on these shows can make or break you and can be difficult to redeem yourself from, if you were portrayed in a negative light.

SM: Typecasting in Hollywood can be a bad thing for some actors looking to play other roles. Do you think that reality TV has branded you in any way?

Ki-Ki: Most definitely, it has definitely branded me in a negative way. They chose to only show my negative moments on these shows and never once chose to show my good moments, which I had a lot of, so everyone's opinion of Ki-Ki is going be the image that they wanted everyone to have. One thing I try to explain to people is this for example, if you ha
ve someone following you around for an entire month recording you and after that month they edit the footage they have of you, and edit out all of your happy moments and good moments that make people love you, and keep the moments where your angry and present it to a group of people, that group is gonna automatically think that your always angry because that’s the only side of your character the editor chose to show.

SM: What would you tell the person that aspires to be on a reality TV show? And how would they go about finding out how to audition for one?

Ki-Ki: I wouldn’t recommend anyone to aspire to be on a reality show, there's so many other ways to get yourself out there, it just may take a little longer.

SM: I’m sure t
he fan support has been crazy! What has been the craziest thing a fan has ever done?

Ki-Ki: Yes I do get a lot of love and I hate to use the word fans so I always say supporters, I haven’t really had anyone do anything crazy. Some of them pretty much do the same thing if they’re unsure if its really me or not, and that’s follow me around until they can figure it out, lol!

SM: Reality TV was just a start for Ki-Ki. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

Ki-Ki: I see myself on the big screen! =)

SM: So what’s next for Ki-Ki?

Ki-Ki: Right now I’m focusing on my dance and modeling company that I have called D.A.M.N, which stands for Dance And Modeling Network. That also features an all girl dance crew called the Damn Dancers and I’m also focusing on acting. Right now I’m working with the Black Repertory Group out of Berkeley, Ca on the play Sparkle which is based on the 1976 movie Sparkle.

SM: I got us fellas! Now, the fellas are wondering if the heart of Ki-Ki is taken…whas-sup? (Why it was just the fellas Knock…what happened to us…huh? Yo…Yo…chill…chill…I got this...I had to say it like that man…I’m a journalist.)

Ki-Ki: YES… it is, LOL! We were friends first and I've known him for about four years and about a year ago I told him I was in love with him and we decided to take the relationship to the next level. I’m very happy with him; he's a good man. (Sorry fellas...I tried!)

SM: Where can our readers go to keep up with you?

Ki-Ki: They can follow me on Twitter @ or hit me on MySpace @