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Thursday, August 20, 2009

ELISE 5000: " The Real Ms. Independent"

By Shamora Evans

SM: Let's begin with the many "hats" you wear...You're a singer, songwriter, and producer, and you're very good at what you do. Which position do you like the most?

ELISE 5000: I, honestly, enjoy doing each part equally. I feel like I can't have one without the other. I mean, it would hurt me if I wrote a song, but couldn't make a beat for it, or couldn't sing it. They all go hand-and-hand. But, I must say that recording myself and mixing my own vocals is a major pain. Though I enjoy the creative side of recording and mixing vocals, it takes forever!! So, a person who only writes songs can pump out about five or six songs in the time it would take me to write, produce, sing, record, and mix ONE! But, I'm so glad that I am able to do so because I am 100% self-contained. I do work with other songwriters and producers! Thank God for that!! (Laughs)

SM: I heard that! (Laughs) Okay, so looking at yourmusical background, you've known how to use a "Triton" keyboard since you were eight years old, and not many can say that. How did you know, at such a young age, that music is what you were born to do?

ELISE 5000: Let me clarify that...I didn't have access to a Triton keyboard when I was eight, but I did have a keyboard. I don't remember what it was, but it was a cool keyboard that had beats on it and a sequencer where I could make beats! (Laughs) I took it to my fifth grade class one day because we were broken up into groups, and within each group, each member had a specific job; mine was 'music director'. We were having some special ceremony for a character named "Mako" in a book we were reading. Anyway, I had to write and produce songs about him, and I did! And, actually, I took this assignment to a new level because really we were just supposed to sing something...Needless to say, the other groups were LAME, and my group was the best!! (Laughs) But, I was introduced to the Triton and real production at the age of 17, and I'm still learning how to work everything! To answer the second question, I knew when I was five that music was going to be my life. It really sunk in at the age of eight, but in kindergarten for "show-and-tell", I got in front of the class, singing "Christopher Williams'", "I Talk to Myself"!! (Laughs) I wish it was on tape because it was so FUNNY! My teacher was this little old lady, and I'm sure she was like, "Ok!" But, I could sit here all day and tell you funny stories about me and singing in public as a child! Like, the time I was eight and really feeling "TLC", and so I went to spend the night with one of my best friends, that happened to be a white girl! I have to mention her race so you will understand why this is funny. Anyway, I couldn't stop singing "Ain't 2 Proud 2 Beg", and I had no idea what the words meant...But, my friend's MOM did!! (Laughs) So, she had me sing it to all her friends, and they laughed so hard! I'm in the video store with them talkin' 'bout, "Two inches or a yard, rock hard, or if it's sagging...Ain't too proud to beg, naw!" Those white ladies were like, "WTF? Look atthis li'l black girl singing TLC!" (Laughs) But, it was all love!

SM: (Laughs) I can only imagine the looks on their faces!...Alright, I listened to all of the songs on your MySpace page, and I really like your sound. One of the songs that I really like is "Everybody Else" featuring "T-Pain". What were your thoughts going into that project, and how did you connect with him?

ELISE 5000: Thank you! I'm glad you like it! The deal with the T-Pain record is this...It was written by "Secret Da Songwriter", out of Brooklyn, NY, and we just sorta came across the music with his vocals already on there! Lucky us, right?! (Laughs)

SM: Definitely! That was a bonus, for real!!...Now, you have another song called "Pretty Bop (Diddy Bop Shemix)" that's really hot. What made you want to record that track?

ELISE 5000: Well, I really loved the beat and, again, "Secret Da Songwriter" came across the beat online, so she hooked it up with her writing skills and 'voila'! Now, you have "Pretty Bop"! "Secret" and I make a really great team.

SM: Alright, so the last song I want to speak with you about is your song "Can't Leave U Alone" featuring "Buddha Monk". I really love this song because it has a real '90s feel, and that's my era! (Laughs) Tell us a little about your inspiration for the song. What was your goal for the track?

ELISE 5000: OMG!! My era was the '90s, as well, so I was going for a '90s feel! I even put "Buddha Monk" on there, as he was in "Wu-Tang Clan" in the '90s! But, most of my songs that were created in 1998 are totally '90s. That's what I was feeling at the time, just trying to bring back those feelings of when I was a child and when life was easy! I didn't have to go to work, didn't have a boyfriend...Didn't care what I looked like; not really!! (Laughs) The '90s was 'chill time' for me, but not now...Now, it's 'crunch time'! Let's GO!!

SM: Ambition is the key! (Laughs) Are you currently in the studio working on an album/mixtape for release and, if so, what is the title of your project?

ELISE 5000: Right now, I'm doing so, so much! I'm constantly in the studio creating new music, and I am working on something really special that I want to keep a secret. I want to wait for everyone's reaction. In the next couple of weeks, I will release it! Watch for the magic!! I'm just creating as many songs as possible and seeing what happens. But, recently, I just hosted a mixtape that was released entitled "DJ Shure Shot (Ride Out Radio 7)".

SM: Well, we'll keep our ears open for that...What threemusic artists, would you say, inspired you the most and made youwant to be a part of the music industry?

ELISE 5000: "TLC", "Aaliyah","Jodeci", "Timbaland"...Okay, so I named four artists, but you cansay "Timbaland" counts within my "Aaliyah" and "Jodeci" choices as he's been the man behind their production! (Laughs) Now, I'm aware "DeVante Swing" was 'the MAN' behind Jodeci, but in the mid-90's they added my boy "TIMBO", and I noticed the difference! So, Timbo is, like, my favorite producer because I can't get over how he made me feel in the mid-late '90s through Aaliyah's records, "Missy [Elliott]", "Ginuwine", etc. But..."TLC" was a fun group, and I knew I wanted to be on stage with them when I was little! I just knew "Left-Eye" and I would be friends...Same thing for Aaliyah. But, I guess I'll have to wait for the next lifetime for all of that...

SM: If you could go in the studio with any artist of your choice, what five artists would you most like to collab with?

ELISE 5000: "Kesha", from Flo Rida's song "Right Round", "Jeremih", "Cassie", "Erykah Badu", and "Andre 3000"!!!

SM: All good choices...I noticed that on your MySpace page, where the "Band Members" are listed, you listed the various pieces of studio equipment and yourself. Which one is the most important to have if an artist wants to put out the best quality of production possible?

ELISE 5000: Well, that depends...There are many different combos that work well together, so I can't just name one! (Laughs) All the pieces go hand-in-hand. But, if I just HAD to choose one piece...I'd choose my mic! My AKG C414 XL II!! Gotta have the mic to record the vocals!

SM: Most def'!...Well, I believe you have a bright future ahead of you. How can fans and business reps contact you and hear your music?

ELISE 5000: Thank you so much! And thanks so much for having me in your magazine! Well, of course, you can listen to my music on MySpace at , and I have my own "Elise 5000" blog that I update personally at For booking and media requests, they can contact my Publicist, Shakiyla "Black" Harris, at, or by phone at 503.995.4843. Again, thank you so much for having me in your magazine, and blessings to all that read!